DOCUMENTATION FOR DUMP-80 The Dump-80 Routine is a down-and-dirty 80-column screen dump, especially written for those of you who (like me) were done out of the Grappler's 80 column dump routine when upgrading to an enhanced //e. This routine will change all mousetext characters to spaces, and will correctly print all inverse letters, uppercase notwithstanding. The routines lives in the freespace at $300; space is (always) at a premium, so this is definitely no-frills code. It will not check to see that you are displaying 80 columns, and assumes your printer is in slot 1. To use, merely CALL 768 from Basic; immediate & deferred modes are both okay. You could also JSR $300 from a machine language program, or do a 300G from the monitor. The routines dumps the 80 columns screen, and adds 5 blank lines in case you want to tear off the page. The routine feeds the initialization string "0N" to the printer upon enabling it. This string can be modified by you if necessary, but remember: if your interface card echos to the screen, things will get royally screwed up in no time flat. The Initialization String is at the tail end of the program, starting at $3C8; the first byte is a length-of-string byte, (currently $04), then 3 Init bytes plus a Carriage Return (currently $89, $B0, $CE, $8D). There are only three more available bytes to use without overwriting the vector table at $3D0.